Ballet Gift Shop's Online Fundraising Program


Already registered?  Login to your account

Register your group for an Online Fundraiser with!  

The benefits include:

  • A FREE and easy fundraiser with direct delivery to your supporters
  • NO hassling with the many details of customer order information and distribution (that's our job!).
  • Your very own administrative account to keep an eye on referred traffic, sales, and payments.
  • Ready-made flyers and web banners to help you spread the word!
  • A wholesale account is not required to participate.
  • Choose to run your fundraiser for a limited time or year-round.
  • Best of all, earn 25% of all referred sales to support your dance team or company!
  • Note: Please enter your group's name in the "name" box when registering.


You will be able to login to your account immediately, but we will contact you with more information within 12-24 hours of your registration to help you get started.

*Important Note: Commissions will not be applied to wholesale orders.

Looking for other dance fundraising ideas?
Check out our Fundraising Ideas page

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