Fundraising Ideas for Dance Organizations
Wholesale Account

Take pre-orders for custom items, give them as cast gifts, or sell them at your next performance boutique.
Set Up Your Wholesale Account →
Online Fundraising Program

Avoid managing inventory and keeping track of order details. Perfect for virtual performance fundraisers too since we take care of all details! Earn a 25% commission on every sale (excluding wholesale orders). Register for an Online Fundraiser →
Dance Fundraising Kit
Are you in charge of fundraising this year but don't know where to start? Our Fundraising Kit is just the thing to help you take orders from your patrons for your fundraiser! You may choose to receive an electronic copy by email or a printed copy by mail. Request a Fundraising Kit →
Fundraiser Idea Articles

Need some advice on how to organize a new fundraising event? We've written a collection of articles with ideas and tips on how to organize a variety of dance fundraising events.
Read Fundraising Event Ideas →
General Dance Fundraising Tips
- Put out donation jars
- Sell raffle tickets and have local business donate items for your raffle
- Organize an event and sell tickets:
- A dance
- A fair or carnival
- A tour of homes
- Studio Sleepover
- Outdoor Tea Party
- Fashion Show
- Put an ad in the local newspaper
- Post flyers around town:
- In local community centers and theatres
- On office bulletin boards
- In grocery stores
- local churches
- In local dance supply stores